International Women's Day: Louise Church

“When I left university I successfully applied for a role as a Business Intelligence Analyst and it was at this particular company where I first met Paul Wozencroft (CET Managing Director). I firmly believe that great work comes from great relationships with great people and that was certainly the case with Paul.

“Fast-forward a few years and, after I had set-up my own business specialising in drainage investigation and repair, I again found myself working in partnership with Paul as my company offered consultancy services to CET. This partnership was such a success that, just 18 months after establishing my own company, we were acquired by CET and I was appointed as Business Director working alongside Chris McLain (CET CEO), his team and key clients to analyse data and deliver performance.

Louise Church

 “I remember my first day with CET incredibly clearly, as it  was the very day that the original Beast from  the East hit the UK on 28th February 2018. It very quickly became clear that something extraordinary was happening and it was actually a miracle that I got home safely that evening. I have been with CET ever since, so talk about a baptism of fire!

"As a result of the consultancy work I had already delivered for CET it meant that I had a very good understanding of the business right from the start. I knew the people really well, meaning that it felt like home from a working perspective.

“Essentially, in my role I bridge the gap between Operations and Finance and look after all elements relating to external data, which we utilise to deliver strategic changes to drive improved performance for both ourselves and the client. SIMPLIFi provides me with the tools to help deliver my business goals.

“As far as my experiences go, I feel that CET and the insurance industry in general provide a level playing field for both women and men, meaning the right person for the right job showing no discrimination. This illustrates just how much times have changed for today’s women.”


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