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CET does #MHAW - Paul's Challenge

Written by CET Newsroom | Apr 24, 2019 11:09:53 AM

For Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 (13th - 19th May), CET's senior management team is taking on challenges across our network to raise money for our three nominated challenges.

We're asking our employees and our clients to vote for their favourite challenges by donating £1 via our #MHAW Challenger's JustGiving page. Every £1 counts as 1 vote. The top six will take on their challenge across Mental Health Awareness Week and beyond.

Paul Wozencroft, MD for CET Property Assurance, takes us through his hair-raising challenge, as well as why he chose his nominated charity.


Brave the Shave



Why did you choose this challenge?

The theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is body image and to most of us, our hair plays a part in the way we see ourselves. I might not have long, luscious locks, but shaving it all off will definitely be a massive change. I wanted to do something that would put me a bit out of my comfort zone, as well as something that will keep people talking.

Sometimes looking after our Mental Health is as simple as clearing our head, and that can be done through talking to someone about how we’re feeling. By physically clearing my head and shaving off my hair, I want people to be reminded that it’s important to clear our minds and not get bogged down by our thoughts.

Which charity will you be supporting?

My votes will be donated to the Samaritans. As we all know, the Samaritans provide invaluable support to people when they are most at need; taking calls 24/7, 365 days a year, to prevent suicide and reduce feeling of isolation and disconnect that could lead to suicide.

What does taking part in raising awareness of Mental Health issues mean to you?

Like most of us, I wanted to do my part in getting a conversation started. It’s important that we talk to each other about the things that are on our mind, so hopefully taking part will give people a conversation starter. It’s not always easy to get talking about mental health, but having a laugh at what I’m doing might just do the trick.

To vote for Paul, visit his JustGiving page. Voting closes at 5pm on Tuesday 7th May.